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Prime minister: UK needs more drones


Cameron hopes defence review will prioritise resources to protect the UK from evolving threats

Prime minister David Cameron has asked the UK’s defence chiefs to consider investing more in readily deployable counter-terrorist capabilities, include future air surveillance (ISTAR) assets including more drones, as part of the defence review. 

Cameron hopes the Strategic Defence and Security Review – due to conclude in the autumn – will prioritise resources that will help to protect the UK from evolving threats.

The prime minister is also keen for the defence review to explore how best to work with partners like the US to ensure the UK's aircraft carriers will be able to project drones, Special Forces and strike capabilities to wherever the terrorist threat is found.

Cameron said: "I will always put the national security of our country first. That’s why it is right that we spend 2% of our GDP on defence because this investment helps to keep us safe. It has only been possible because of the difficult decisions we have made to ensure a strong and secure economy.

"Now we know how much we will spend, what matters next is how we spend it. I have tasked the defence and security chiefs to look specifically at how we do more to counter the threat posed by ISIL and Islamist extremism.

"This could include more spy planes, drones and Special Forces. In the last five years, I have seen just how vital these assets are in keeping us safe."

The UK is already a leading country in the counter-ISIL coalition of 60+ countries, with investment in high-end surveillance, such as Sentinel, Rivet Joint and RAPTOR pods on fast jets, the UK already has a significant advantage over most other countries’ capabilities.

Tornados and Reapers have flown more than 1,000 missions and struck over 300 ISIL targets. While air-to-air refuelling and other sophisticated airborne assets play a vital role.

The Strategic Defence and Security Review will look at the government’s defence and security investment priorities, ensuring the UK has the military and other capabilities we need to tackle threats faster and better, and that the UK is even more agile and adaptable when responding to threats.


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