Institution News Team
The Railway Challenge final event will be hosted virtually on 26 June 2020 at 12.30pm (BST).
To ensure the safety of teams, IMechE members, volunteers and employees, the Railway Challenge event was cancelled as a result of COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on social gathering and human interaction.
To recognise teamwork done to date, the Railway Challenge organising committee has agreed to host a virtual awards ceremony and present teams with the following awards,
Innovation Award will be judged based on team submissions in the format of an academic journal article, or conference style research paper which will describe a novel and innovative aspect of their locomotive.
To win the Design Award, teams must demonstrate an understanding of how the locomotive design meets the specified requirements, key engineering concepts and provide an outline of expected costs.
A panel of judges will host the ‘Dragon’s Den’ style presentation virtually on 26 June between 9am-12pm (BST) and choose a winner for the Business Case presentation and Technical Poster. For this category, the Railway Challenge teams are tasked to consider themselves as representatives of a manufacturer that has produced a prototype locomotive which they wish to tender for a locomotive procurement competition. Each team will be evaluated on their ability to convince judges that their locomotive best meets the demands of the proposed end user leasing the fleet, and that the design can be profitably manufactured, sold and leased to the end user.
Simon Iwnicki Chair of the Railway Challenge Organising Committee commented,
"The virtual Railway Challenge will provide teams the opportunity to present their work to a panel of leading experts from industry and get feedback which will be useful in their further studies or career.
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