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Robotics and Autonomous Systems in Offshore Wind Operation and Maintenance Services...60 Seconds with Andy Lewin, Engineering Manager, Offshore Wind at SSE plc

Andy Lewin, Engineering Manager, SSE plc

Robotics and Autonomous Systems in Offshore Wind Operation and Maintenance Services, 23 May 2019, London
Robotics and Autonomous Systems in Offshore Wind Operation and Maintenance Services, 23 May 2019, London

Ahead of the seminar on Robotics and Autonomous Systems in Offshore Wind Operation and Maintenance Services, we caught up with Andy Lewin, Engineering Manager, Offshore Wind at SSE plc. Andy explained his role and involvement with regards to the seminar, critical engineering challenges, what he is looking forward to at the event and why it is important for professionals to attend.

Q: Briefly explain your role and involvement within Robotics and Autonomous Systems in Offshore Wind?

Andy Lewin (AL): In my role as Engineering Manager for our Offshore Windfarm development portfolio we are constantly considering new ways of undertaking our inspection, maintenance and survey operations. We are looking to maximise the data generated whilst minimise the human interventions to drive down cost and improve efficiency.

Q: What is the number one challenge for those using or benefitting from these technologies in today’s current market?

AL: Reliability is key, alongside performance that ensures the data and output is as good as or better than the incumbent approach, i.e. human intervention, visual inspection, etc.

Q: What is the most exciting development in this field at the moment, either within your company or in the industry in general?

AL: Scale, the industrial scale of the technology is fundamental to the efficient commercial exploitations. Also, further sensing and imaging techniques to enable greater information to be gained.

Q: Where do you see the future of Robotics and Autonomous Systems in Offshore Wind going in the next 5–10 years?

AL: I see a greater reliance on these technologies for inspection and survey works. I believe we’ll start to see semi or full autonomous systems which are capable of responding to conditions offshore enabling works to proceed in small weather windows. I can see robotic application starting to replace technicians for routine and/or monotonous activities.

Q: What key things can attendees expect to learn from your presentation?

AL: A context for the current market size and a vision for Offshore Wind in the late 2020’s.

Q: What other presentations or topics are you looking forward to hearing more about at the forthcoming seminar?

AL: I’d be keen to learn how other industries are exploiting similar technologies.

Q: Why do you feel it is important for all industry professionals to join this seminar?

AL: These autonomous systems are allowing us to make the most of the human resource we have, leveraging this technology will enable our industry to continue its performance and efficiency improvement journey.

Robotics and Autonomous Systems in Offshore Wind Operation and Maintenance Services takes place on 23 May 2019 at One Birdcage Walk, London. Join this seminar to:

  • Hear from leading organisations about the challenges facing the delivery of Offshore Wind O&M services and opportunities for cost reduction and health and safety improvements
  • Understand how Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) can reduce OPEX and improve energy generation and health and safety
  • Learn about the latest developments in RAS applied to Offshore Wind O&M and ongoing demonstration projects
  • Meet and discuss with RAS experts including leading academic, research and test centres and end users in the offshore wind industry
  • Ask key questions about how RAS can be applied to your specific operations and maintenance needs during the Q&A sessions following each presentation

To book your place, please visit


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