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Royal Academy of Engineering Survey: Why study engineering

Formula Student Team

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The Royal Academy of Engineering has commissioned ICM, an independent market research agency, to conduct a survey among students studying a course in engineering or manufacturing. We believe that this survey will provide new information in how best to attract young people into engineering, but we can’t do it without your voice.

Can you spare just 15 minutes to take part? To thank you for your time, you will be invited to enter a prize draw to win one of five £100 Amazon vouchers: click here to enter

We are asking people your age about what they did when they were younger, their friends and family, and their hobbies and interests. We wish to hear from as many people like you as possible to uncover important findings about becoming a student, so we really appreciate you spending some time to complete this survey.

The survey will close on 14th November, so don’t miss your chance to have your say


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