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Speak Out for Engineering Pakistan Nationals ’22

IMechE UET Taxila Chapter

Main Poster of Jibran Khalid Memorial Speak Out for Engineering Pakistan Nationals
Main Poster of Jibran Khalid Memorial Speak Out for Engineering Pakistan Nationals

On 5 November the Jibran Khalid Memorial Speak Out for Engineers (SOFE) Pakistan Nationals ’22 was held via Zoom.

Students from different universities around Pakistan participated, including the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, National University of Science & Technology and NED University of Engineering and Technology. 

The worldwide competition, that challenges young engineers to hone their presentation skills in front of a panel of technical experts and presentation specialists 

The length and breadth of knowledge that the young engineers gain through this activity are simply unparalleled. IMechE has set the benchmark for conducting activities in such a way that the engineers not only enjoy but also learn a great deal from it. With the same perspective in view, the inter-university project presentation competition was held with a variety of engineering topics in the IMechE SOfE Nationals following intra university competitions SOfE Locals Heats.

Being a part of engineering university, speakers from UET, NUST and NED Qualified for Nationals and vied for the top slot. They used various skills like overstatement, definition, rhetoric, irony, stats, etc to convince the audience and the panel. The participants, armed with statistics and data validated and made their arguments more emphatic with the right facial expressions, body movements, and gestures in the online presentation and Q&A Session. The presenters displayed confidence in presenting their arguments before the audience and a panel of eminent judges. 

The Esteemed Judges comprised of:

  • Mr. Atif Irfan Sheikh (Certified project management professional. Former president of toastmaster’s internationals, Lahore 2 times and divisional director of Islamabad, Punjab and KPk.)
  • Mr. Saiyid Najam Rizvi: (Head Credit Risk & Monitoring Department at Pak Brunei Investment Company, a development finance institution & member of Kolachi Toastmasters Club)
  • Mr. Safi Ghauri (Barrister, a Corporate Consultant, Managing Partner, Entrepreneur, Keynote Speaker and in addition to all of that, a Strategic Analyst).
  • Uroosa Kanwal (Division Director Toastmaster Internationals District 122, Organizer & founder of K-town meetup)
  • Dr Shakoor (Professor at UET Peshawar, Expertise in Material Sciences)

Presentations were given by

  • Ashar Ahmad Khan, NED University (Graphene the Game-Changing Material of the Future)
  • Meesam Ali, UET Taxila (Desiccant-Based Air-Conditioning)
  • Malik Huzaifa, NUST (Hydroelectric Power Redefined)

Mr Faizan Warsi introduced the judges to the audience and handed the platform to Dr Muhammad Uneeb for his views. Mr Dr Muhammad Uneeb-Contest Chair begins by informing the audience about the SOfE event and its procedures, modules, stages, and significance.

The first presenter, Mr Ashar Ahmad Khan representing NED UET, masterfully showed how he worked on his project “Graphene the Game-Changing Material of Future”  where he covered the topic from its history to how it can be used as an effective material. 

Mr. Ashar Ahmad Khan- Graphene the Game-Changing Material

The second presenter of the event was Mr Meesam Ali, the winner of IMechE SOfE Locals held at UET Taxila. His project was “Desiccant Based Air-Conditioning”, his basic intention was to provide a more effective cooling system in the household & commercial market to reduce the effect of humidity in different seasons. He covered his topics with stats and results.

Mr Meesam Ali- Desiccant-Based Air Conditioning

The third presenter was Mr Malik Huzaifa who represented NUST Islamabad. He presented the judges with his topic “Hydroelectric Power Redefined”. He presented the dimensions of his project.

Mr. Malik Huzaifa-Hydroelectric Power Redefined

Before the results, Mr Sajjadh Mazeen gave a presentation on the IMechE Pakistan group to familiarise the nationals’ attendees with IMechE its purpose & objectives. All the judges shared their views about the presentation and give suggestions to all the participants and audience that how they can effectively improve their presentation skills. At the end of Jibran Khalid Memorial Speak Out for Engineering Pakistan Nationals ’22, Mr Muhammad Saad Khokhar-Lead SOfE Nationals ’22 Announced the winner and the group photo with all the participants/ audience have been taken.

Group photo of the event

The Results

Winner of JKM SOfE Pakistan Nationals

Winner: Ashar Ahmad Khan

The judges appreciated the organizers for conducting this event. They said that the recent progress and achievements of IMechE Pakistan are extraordinary. 


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