Institution news

Strategic Meetings: ISB and IYMC

World Bulletin Team

Every year, the Institution's Regional Chairs from all seven international regions meet face to face to plan the strategic plans for the year ahead for the international membership.

The Board comes together to brainstorm and discuss ideas to improve member engagement and retention that affect the members that they represent. This year, young member representatives from all seven international regions also came together to discuss and plan activities for members from the international young member fraternity.

International strategy meet in Kuala Lumpur

This year, the International Strategy Board met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Institution is grateful to Monash University Malaysia Campus that facilitated the International Strategy Board and International Young Members Committee meetings.

It is extremely valuable for members of the Board to meet in person regularly, which proves a much more effective and time-efficient way of making the right decisions for the Institution and its members.

The board discussed new initiatives for member development including new ways to support young developing engineers and engaging members who are volunteers with the institution. Outcomes also included plans to develop  Prizes and Awards to support the international regions as well reviewing how we can develop our student community.

Prof Alan Lau, Chair ISB and International Vice President, said: “The ISB and IYMC meetings in Kuala Lumpur provided an opportunity for the members to influence the future direction of the Institution and provide innovative ideas to both provide new value for members as well as encourage new members to join.

"The volunteer members are at the heart of the Institution and key to its international success. I would particularly like to thank the local organisers, Mathew Thomas and Mavinakere Raghunandan and their teams for a really well organised event.”

Who does the ISB represent?

The Institution has more than 28,000 members based outside the UK and this number is growing all the time. We have a network of volunteers around the world supporting members.

Looking for more information related to events and activities in your Region? You can contact your Regional Chair or representative via the Near You section of the website.

About the Young Members’ Network

The Institution has a thriving Young Members' Network made up of over 65,000 Affiliates, Associates or members who have achieved professional registration within the last 10 years. Find out more about young member activities.


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