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Structural Integrity Design, Validation and Technologies: 60 Seconds with...Graham Elliott from SABIC Petrochemicals on Non-Destructive Testing

Graham Elliot, SABIC Petrochemicals

Structural Integrity Design and Validation Technologies 2018
Structural Integrity Design and Validation Technologies 2018

Ahead of the Structural Integrity Design, Validation and Technologies conference, we spoke with Graham Elliot to better understand the key challenges he and NDT practitioners are facing in industry.

In his afternoon presentation at the conference, Graham will be discussing the process to develop and implement an effective procedure for monitoring the condition of ageing plants and the importance of accurate methodology and data capture so that it is fit for purpose.

Q: Could you briefly explain your role and involvement in structural integrity assessment and NDT?

Graham Elliott (GE): I am the Inspection Manager for a fully accredited type B in-service Inspection Body. My team and I use NDT techniques, supplied by a 3rd party, on a very regular basis to support the assurances of assets we inspected under PSSR.

Q: What is the number one challenge for those using or benefitting from these technologies in today’s current market?

GE: Probability of Detection (POD) and Confidence in Measurements for Qualitative NDT methods

Q: What is the most exciting development in this field at the moment, either within your company or in the industry in general?

GE: We have been involved in trials of the New Gul QSR1 (Qualitative Short Range) scanning tool, utilising guided wave technology to transmit ultrasonics around the circumference of a pipe wall to measure pipe thickness. This technology has potential to measure pipe thicknesses at pipe supports and other hidden areas.

Q: Where do you see the future of NDT applications and approaches to structural integrity assessment going over the next 5 – 10 years?

GE: For me, the focus needs to be on providing confidence and increasing Probability of Detection in the existing NDT technologies. The key area of this is probably removing or minimising the influence of human factors.

Q: What are you most looking forward to by attending and presenting at Structural Integrity Design and Validation Technologies 2018?

GE: I am most looking forward to addressing phased array ultrasonic testing versus radiography for dense metal welds & ultrasonic NDE in lieu of radiography, including the challenges and opportunities

About the conference

Structural Integrity Design and Validation Technologies 2018 will bring together experts from across the field of Non Destructive Testing (NDT), structural integrity, operations and maintenance. Attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of NDT in context of different applications through various cross industry case studies, including Oil & Gas, Power and Rail. Join to learn about new and existing techniques, NDT reliability and validation, as well as real time monitoring solutions for hazardous environments or equipment that is difficult to take out of service.


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