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Tata Steel workers suspend strike


Unions recommend new deal, which keeps the British Steel pension scheme open, is accepted

A planned strike by workers at Tata Steel has been suspended after a new offer was made.

Members of Community, Unite, the GMB and Ucatt were due to walk out for 24 hours on Monday in protest at plans to close their final salary pension scheme.

They will now be balloted over a new offer, which unions said keeps the British Steel pension scheme open.

The unions are recommending that the deal is accepted.

Roy Rickhuss, general secretary of Community said: "Our members standing up for their pensions has made Tata Steel change its mind. Through meaningful discussions and negotiation with the company we have been able to keep the scheme open and improve on their final offer prior to their decision to close the scheme.

"This is a massive turnaround and means there is the opportunity for the British Steel pension scheme to provide dignity and security in retirement for many more steelworkers in the future.

"Our members will make the final decision but the unions are recommending a vote in favour because we believe we have secured the best available deal from the company."

The decision to suspend the strike was taken at a meeting in London of 100 senior trade union delegates from across the company.

Officials from the British Steel pension scheme will be conducting road shows around Tata Steel sites next week to explain the new offer.


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