Institution news
On 20 February 2014, The University of the West Indies (UWI) celebrated this event at the St. Augustine’s campus in Trinidad and Tobago.
The recently-established student chapter is headed by nine UWI mechanical and manufacturing engineering students who are guided by Caribbean representatives Mr Deepak Lall AMIMechE and Dr Chris Maharaj CEng MIMechE. The event was attended by over 100 lecturers and students in the mechanical and electrical disciplines. It was Held at the UWI’s faculty of engineering
First addressing the audience was the chair of the Institution’s Americas region, Dr Anthony Green CEng FIMechE IntPE, whose contribution focused on the IMechE's involvement in the Caribbean. The feature address was given by IMechE member Mr Mark Rattansingh CEng MIMechE of BPTT. His lecture concentrated on piping and instrumentation diagrams which was also the theme of the seminar. Lastly was Eur Ing John Thompson CEng FIMechE of the Desalination Company of Trinidad and Tobago (DESALCOTT), who gave his personal experience on how membership of the Institution has benefitted him.
Student affiliate and chapter chair, Nicholas Haskell, reported that the committee is already discussing future events, one of which is hosting a local motorsport competition. With such talent, enthusiasm and now, global connections, the future of engineering in Trinidad and Tobago certainly seems bright.
Find out more and get involved with Institution activities wherever you are, and in the Americas region, including the Caribbean.On 20 February 2014, The University of the West Indies (UWI) celebrated this event at the St. Augustine’s campus in Trinidad and Tobago.
Edwin Ekwue, professor and head, department of mechanical and manufacturing engineering, presenting Mark Rattansingh CEng MIMechE with a token of appreciation.