Institution news

The launch of the first ever IMechE student chapter in Bangladesh

Antu Datta, KUET Student Chapter Chair

Champions of the 'Ideas Carnival' which was arranged by the IMechE KUET Student Chapter
Champions of the 'Ideas Carnival' which was arranged by the IMechE KUET Student Chapter

IMechE KUET Student chapter was launched in January 2016 and has achieved many engaging activities already.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) is a prominent and renowned engineering university of Bangladesh. Being inspired by the motto of IMechE, the initial interest to set up a student chapter in KUET was expressed in early 2015. It took more than 6 months campaigning to manage more than 50 student affiliates and finally in September, 2015 ‘IMechE KUET Student chapter’ was officially recognized. The first committee consists of six members with Md. Mahbubur Rahman (Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering) as the Academic Liaison Officer and Mr. Antu Datta as the Student Chapter Chair.

The first seminar under the IMechE KUET Student Chapter banner was held in December, 2015 on ‘IMechE & future of Engineering’ which coincided with the first general meeting of members of the chapter.

On 21 January 2016, Mr. Sam Perera (Chair, IMechE South Asian Region) along with Mr. David How (IMechE Country representative for Bangladesh) had a day long tour at KUET. During the visit, Mr Perera and Mr How had interactions with the faculty members. A short seminar program was arranged in which Mr. Sam Perera officially announced the inauguration of the chapter. They also had a meeting with the student chapter committee about the plans and aims of the chapter and Mr. David How and Mr. Sam Perera assured the support of Institution for the future endeavors of the chapter.

Mr. Sam Perera and Mr. David How with the Student Chapter committee membersSAR Chair (Sam Perera), Country representative (David How), KUET Chair (Antu Datta), ALO (Md. Mahbubur Rahman) with other members of KUET Student Chapter committee 

On the 6-7 February, 2016 a competition program named ‘Idea Carnival’ was arranged by the chapter. The event required presentation of an idea. Participants forming groups of 3 members presented their ideas in a single page format poster. Winning teams were awarded prizes in the presentation ceremony held on the following day afternoon
In the first week of May, 2016, the chapter is going to arrange the Speak Out for Engineering (SOFE) contest in KUET campus which will also be the first SOFE.

Visit the Bangladesh NearYou site to find out more about KUET Student Chapter's activities and other Institution events in Bangladesh.

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