Academic qualifications simply allow one to begin an ‘apprenticeship’ at a higher level
In spite of the evidence, Dr. C L Murray seems to think that academic qualifications alone make ‘a true engineer’.
Nonsense: academic qualifications simply allow one to begin an ‘apprenticeship’ at a higher level. They are no guarantee of talent. Engineering is the practical application of theory and hence, the very best engineers have an excellent understanding of both practical and theoretical matters. Skill in both makes the ‘true engineer’.
Look to our engineering heroes who were, and still are, predominantly enlightened practical men, a few from academia, fewer still from academic engineering backgrounds.
The founders of this Institution would find difficulty gaining Chartered status now. We can improve greatly by following the Royal Academy of Engineering’s lead, recognise experience and give equal weight to becoming Chartered via the practical route as we do to the academic route. Until then we alienate half the people and most of the talent.
Robert Lawson, Dalston, Carlisle
Next letter: More productive and ethical opportunities
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