Readers letters

The wasp engineer


Perhaps we should feel flattered that others find kudos in placing their skills under the umbrella of 'engineer'

The ubiquitous use of the term 'engineer' is frequently exposed in the columns of PE but I wonder if my experience is unique.

In the summer, we had a wasps' nest in the loft. I telephoned a company which advertised their expertise in dealing with such problems and they promised to send an 'engineer' within an hour.

They were as good as their word and the 'engineer' suitably garbed in protective clothing and armed with a long spray lance and cylinder of chemicals cautiously entered the loft. About 1 minute later he emerged at high speed followed by a stream of very angry wasps. After a further 20 minutes, he confirmed that all wasps were dead. So, problem solved and just the kind of service I would have expected from an 'engineer'!

My edition of the Oxford English Dictionary gives some wide definitions for the word 'engineer', including 'skilful or artful contriver'. Perhaps we should feel flattered (and sometimes amused) that others find kudos in placing their skills under the umbrella of 'engineer', even if our profession would prefer a more restricted use!

David White, Bedford

Next letter: Penny farthings, velocipedes and boneshakers

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