Institution news

UAS Challenge 2025 Registration now open

UAS Challenge Team

Deadline for entries 1 November 2024: get involved in this exciting student engineering competition!

Register your team by completing a registration form on the UAS Challenge website.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers warmly invites undergraduate and postgraduate students at universities around the world to join the next exciting season of the Institution’s aerospace engineering competition.

An established and well-respected annual competition, the UAS Challenge tasks teams around to design, build and run an unmanned aerial system (UAS).

Your system will be required to operate autonomously, performing a series of tasks such as, navigating waypoints, deployment of a humanitarian Aid Package, returning to base via a defined route.

The Challenge culminates in a final “fly-off” event at BMFA Buckminster in the UK, where teams will showcase their work in formal presentations and have the chance to demonstrate the efficiency, manoeuvrability and sustainability of their aircraft.

Your UAS could be a glider, quadcopter, helicopter, a flying wing...the choice is yours!

Watch the highlights of the 2024 Challenge

Students who take part finish university with a wealth of experience and practical skills that complement their university coursework and go on to become highly capable graduate engineers.

The Challenge also allows them to gain valuable links with industry through mentorships, placements, and networking with sponsor organisations, enhancing their employment opportunities across multiple engineering sectors. Plus it's great fun!

How to register:

Registration is easy and straightforward:

  1. Complete the registration form
  2. Pay your entry fee
  3. Join the Welcome Webinar on the 13 November
  4. Start designing your UAS!

We’ll contact you with further details of the next steps once registration closes for this year.

The deadline for entries is 1 November 2024, if you have any questions, visit the UAS Challenge website and FAQ page, or simply email our team at

We look forward to welcoming you and your team to the UAS Challenge 2025!


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