Please introduce your university and team!
Warwick Racing is The University of Warwick’s Formula Student team. We have been competing in Formula Student for over 10 years and this season sees the team on a new approach. Applying the knowledge and skills gained from years of Internal Combustion entries, the team have set out to complete manufacture of their first electric vehicle, WRe1, and have entered Class 1 at FSUK 2019.
Electric vehicles are taking over the automotive industry by storm and are opening many opportunities to adopt new and innovative technologies. Warwick racing have taken on the challenge to design and build an electric Formula Student featuring our very own battery packs.
Working alongside Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) has afforded team access to a range of facilities and state-of-the-art industrial equipment. With a strong support network of technicians, Warwick Racing are fortunate enough to carry out manufacture for over 80% of each vehicle in house.
As an extra-curricular team, Warwick Racing is split in two divisions; Technical and Business. The technical team is comprised of Chassis, Powertrain and Testing, whilst Business operations oversee Finance, Outreach and Events along with Marketing and PR. The team is directed by the Project Manager and Business Development Manager. With a total management team of 8, the team itself sees over 25 members from a range of degrees and years, not just engineering students!
The second iteration of the electric vehicle, WRe2, is also undergoing the design and development, with the aim to enter the manufacture phase in the 2019/20 season.
How did you get on at the competition last year?
Last year Warwick Racing entered Class 2 with WRe1 achieving a respectable 10th place, coming 3rd in cost and 4th in design.
We saw your team at Learn to Win in November, how did you get on?
Learn to Win was a good opportunity for team members to directly speak to the judges and clarify any queries regarding this season’s competition. With a few new members in the team and everyone new to their roles, the event provided us with an overview of what to expect this season, helping us on our journey to FSUK 2019.
What are your objectives for the 2019 competition?
The main objective for Warwick Racing is to complete manufacture of WRe1 and get it on that start line at Silverstone!
With the past two years dedicated vehicle development, it’s about time to showcase our work. The team are aiming to improve on the trend set by previous teams by finishing in the top 10 of their class.
Our long-term vision sees the team continue to build upon the success of previous generations, taking feedback into account and producing track worthy vehicles year upon year. Broadening our scope to competitions across the globe and the possibility of including autonomous vehicles in our portfolio, there are so many routes to take for the future of Warwick Racing.
How does your team organise your workload?
This season’s team effort has been entirely extra-curricular. Members dedicate their own time outside of academic studies to work on the project.
With a detailed project plan and timeline devised ahead of the season, the team make use of effective project management techniques ensuring tasks are distributed and completed in balance with academic studies. Weekly 8am management meetings and the strong working ethics and relationships within the team mean any issues can be addressed quickly. Communication plays a key role to ensure the workload is distributed and resources are allocated effectively and efficiently.

What is new and exciting for your team this year?
This is the first time Warwick Racing’s extra-curricular team will be entering a Class 1 EV. For many members, working on the electric powertrain is a new challenge, opening many opportunities to learn and develop key engineering skills within the field.
WRe1 is currently undergoing manufacture. With the chassis near completion and powertrain testing complete, we’re now looking to integrate systems and with a few finishing touches take it testing!
Working alongside WMG, we have been fortunate to be able to design and manufacture our own battery packs which have presented challenges for us. With new workshop and equipment upgrades, we’re excited to continue manufacture and complete WRe1!
Business communications and commercial opportunities have multiplied this season, with some of our latest partners including Ford Motor Company, Igus and Loctite. Support from our sponsors has contributed to our progress and has given the team confident in the approach taken to deliver a competitive vehicle. We would like to thank each and every one of our partners for their contribution this season.
What have been your biggest challenges so far how have you overcome them?
Many of our experienced members have now moved on, are on placement years or are occupied with their academic studies. As a result, our resources are limited and training the new generation of Warwick Racing has been our area of focus.
We open our doors to anyone and everyone who is ready to put in commitment and effort. Members have access to our facilities and are part of a large support network to ensure they get the most out of this experience but more importantly team members are provided with a chance to learn.

What made you join Formula Student?
I’ve been part of Warwick Racing for 3 years; joining the team as soon as I started University in first year.
I remember visiting the ‘pits’ (our workshop) as a prospective student and the thought of being part of this project was exciting. Seeing the working environment, the cars and my passion for such as project was more than enough to make the decision for me to join.
Over the past 3 years I have been able to work in a dynamic environment, alongside incredible individuals and above all, gain skills and experience that I can carry with me going forward. Joining Warwick Racing has been one of the best decisions of my life (so far)!
What’s your proudest moment at Formula Student?
Over the past few years, watching and experiencing the positive impact Formula Student has on members is something to be proud of. Knowing that as a team, Warwick Racing can deliver opportunities for individuals to work on a project they have a passion for and to give them a chance they may not have received otherwise.
Completing FSUK 2017 in third place was a good moment. Aware of the hard work and time committed to get to competition, the result was memorable.
What advice would you give for fellow teams?
Plan early. Ensure a timeline is created factoring everything from design and manufacture to lead times and key millstones. Be realistic and focus on the essentials required to achieve your goal. Make sure the team can take a hit if things don’t go to plan and respond to situations effectively, hence the need for contingency planning.
Above all, enjoy your time with your team. Time will fly by and before you know it, the season has come to an end. Make the most out of every opportunity the team is presented with and take on a challenge.
How can we keep up to date with you?
To keep up to date with our progress, make sure to follow us on social media
Instagram: @warwickracing
Twitter: @warwickracing
YouTube: Warwick Racing
As always, a massive thank you to our sponsors and staff! Without their support, this project would not be possible. A special thanks to the Warwick Racing team for their dedication and hard work!
Photos taken from the Warwick Racing website - best of luck!