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Wastewater energy, efficient hydrogen production and Covid drugs get Royal Commission boost

Professional Engineering

Stock image. Augosto-Diaz de Budalles from UCL will develop a nanocoating for enhanced efficiency of commercial hydrogen production (Credit: Shutterstock)
Stock image. Augosto-Diaz de Budalles from UCL will develop a nanocoating for enhanced efficiency of commercial hydrogen production (Credit: Shutterstock)

An autonomous reactor to extract energy from wastewater and a nanocoating aimed at efficient commercial production of hydrogen could be one step closer after their developers received backing from the Royal Commission.

The industrial fellowships, including funding of up to £100,000, were awarded to 13 young innovators by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. Set up by Prince Albert and extended in perpetuity to invest the profits in UK innovation, the commission provides support to advance R&D and help make UK industry more internationally competitive. 

Kyle Bowman from the University of Westminster and WASE will develop the wastewater reactors, while Augusto-Diaz de Budalles from University College London and Oxford NanoSystems will develop a multi-level nanocoating for enhanced efficiency of commercial hydrogen gas production. Other 2021 fellows include Daire O’Dubhthaigh, developing smart manufacturing methods for customisable textiles, and Elliott Smyth, who aims to find new antiviral drugs for human coronaviruses.  

Fellowships cover salary contributions, university fees and costs for doctoral studies for up to three years of research. The output of the annual investment is estimated at £2m a year in intellectual property, helping develop crucial new technologies. During the fellowship, students are provided with support from academic and industrial supervisors.  

The programme aims to equip companies with cutting-edge research without the premium price tag, and to strengthen links between universities and commercial organisations. 

Chairman Bernard Taylor said: “The industrial fellowship programme is a crucial link between British research institutions and businesses, with a specific focus on producing tangible, commercial benefits for all. This year is one of the largest ever cohorts of industrial fellows, representing some of the best and brightest researchers in British industry. Their work will bring together the new ideas of academia and the agility of industry, to make a significant impact in a wide range of fields, including biotechnology, artificial intelligence and telecommunications.” 

For a full list of 2021 industrial fellows, visit the website.  

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