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‘World’s largest battery storage project’ gets planning permission in Manchester

Professional Engineering

How the giant battery project at Carlton Power's Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park could look
How the giant battery project at Carlton Power's Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park could look

Energy infrastructure firm Carlton Power has received planning permission for what it called the “world’s largest battery energy storage scheme (BESS)”.

The 1GW (1,040MW/ 2,080Mwh) project was approved by Trafford Council in Greater Manchester. The giant battery will be located at Carlton’s Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park.

“The £750m BESS scheme will strengthen the security and resilience of the energy system in the North West of England, and support the energy transition and the growth of renewable power generation in the region,” the company said.

Subject to a final investment decision, construction of the project is expected to start in the first quarter 2024, with commercial operation starting in the final quarter of 2025. Carlton said it is in advanced talks with companies to finance, build and operate the Trafford BESS.

The scheme is the company’s second major energy project to receive consent for the site, 12.9km south of Manchester. The other project is Carlton’s 200MW Trafford Green Hydrogen scheme, which is due to start commercial operation with an initial 15-20MW phase by the end of 2025.

In addition to Carlton’s two projects, Highview Power Storage is planning to build and operate the world’s first commercial liquid air storage system.

“With the approval of the BESS, this brings the total investment value of the site to £2bn, which will deliver significant economic benefits to the Greater Manchester region and help to deliver the regional net zero targets,” said Keith Clarke, founder and chief executive of Carlton Power. “The investment in the Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park over the next two to five years demonstrates Carlton’s long-term vision and commitment to re-energising the Trafford site.”

Chris McKerrow, head of Carlton Power’s European BESS development said: “Our BESS scheme will make a significant contribution to the resilience of the North West’s energy system and, combined with our green hydrogen scheme and the cryobattery project, underlines Trafford Park’s importance to the energy transition in the region and the journey towards net zero.”

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