Annual review

Annual Report 2022

Within the Annual Report, read about our values, strategic goals, strategic enablers and vision for 2030.

President's Statement

2022 has been a busy year as we have celebrated with pride our 175th anniversary, a memorable milestone in our Institutional history. From the keynote address delivered by Sir Patrick Vallance on the anniversary date last January to Past-President Terry Spall’s long-awaiting (Post-)Presidential Address, the year has been full of memorable events and moments to savour. We have been able to put COVID-19 behind us and move on, holding physical events again as well as making effective use of hybrid and virtual ways of working. Having said that, we must recognise that we live in changing times. There has been significant upheaval in the UK government, the on-going conflict in Ukraine and change of the UK monarchy. UK’s longest serving monarch was patron of many engineering Institutions, including our own. I pay tribute to the Queen’s achievements and the role she played in our history.

For me personally, a real highlight of the year was to return to Birmingham to host our annual dinner in November where, 175 years ago on 27th January 1847, it all started with the Institution’s inaugural meeting and election of George Stephenson as our first President. The unique roles that both Bromsgrove and Curzon Street stations played in the early history of the Institution have also been rightly recognised with prestigious IMechE Engineering Heritage Awards.

When I took over from Peter Flinn last May, I chose as my Presidential Address theme ‘Our Institution: building the future’. I wanted us to realise where we have come from as a distinguished engineering body and acknowledge that we continue to have a significant part to play in society and the future challenges that it faces. I hope that I have managed to achieve that goal during my Presidential year.

After 12 months in the Presidency, you would have expected Peter to have taken it easy this year. Far from it! He has been enthusiastically leading our policy work on Net Zero, attending many related events and authoring our report ‘Engineering a Net Zero energy system’. Thank you, Peter, for proactively championing this critical area of future engineering focus; in your words ‘achieving net zero is the biggest engineering challenge ever undertaken by mankind’. And with the recruitment of our new Director of Engineering, Policy and Impact, James Partington, we are well placed to influence government over the stance that it takes on this and other important policy decisions. Welcome to the team, James!

The review of the future of our Birdcage Walk headquarters building continues, following on from the initial study done by the Real Estate Strategy Group. The HQ Working Group under the chair of Past President Patrick Kniveton has been working through possible scenarios in detail and earlier this year produced a draft business case document to support the consultation process. As this annual report is published, the Trustee Board is considering inputs with a view to proposing a resolution to the membership. I hope this will lead us to a consensus on how to proceed on this important step for the Institution.

It has been a pleasure working with our CEO, Dr Alice Bunn, over the year – she brings so many positive contributions to the way we function as an Institution. On a personal note, Alice was rightly honoured with an OBE in the Queen’s final Birthday Honours List for her services to the UK space sector and to charity. This award recognises Alice’s impressive achievements and the flair she brought to her role in the space industry and now at IMechE. I congratulate her on behalf of the Institution on receiving this well-deserved award.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those with whom I have worked during the year, whether members, staff or engineering friends and acquaintances. It has been an exceptional honour to represent this fine Institution and one that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

In May, I pass over to Giles Hartill as our next President. As Chair of our Strategy Committee, Giles has been promoting the development of a new strategic direction; one that will place us in a better position moving forward. I wish Giles every success in his endeavours during his Presidential year. I leave the Institution in capable hands.

Phil Peel CEng FIMechE
137th President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers



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