
Engineering policy priorities for the 2024-2029 UK Parliament

Institution publishes summary of their main asks of new government

Engineering is the cornerstone of innovation, driving the development of ground-breaking technologies and solutions that tackle complex challenges. The 39 professional engineering institutions (PEIs) registered in the UK with the Engineering Council represent hundreds of thousands of experts working across the British economy, and the engineering sector contributes 32% of the total economic output of the UK.

It is therefore imperative that the engineering community helps to advise governments in developing policy to ensure that laws and regulations are informed by sound technical expertise.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) have contributed to and endorsed the high-level recommendations in the National Engineering Policy Centre’s (NEPC) June 2024 report ‘Engineering a resilient and prosperous future: Policy priorities for the next UK parliament’. It addresses many of the issues that need to be high on the agenda for the 2024-2029 government and parliament, including industrial strategy, sustainable infrastructure, and technical skills.

This distinct and independent IMechE report should be read as a companion piece to the NEPC paper. It delves deeper into certain issues that are central to mechanical engineering with a specific focus on our four key policy priority areas:

  • Climate change and sustainability
  • The future of transport and mobility
  • Healthcare and infectious disease control
  • Education and skills

The report includes standalone sections on these four topics, with advice on ‘quick wins’ as well as recommendations on long-term strategies. It concludes with sections on underpinning strategies that will enable the government to deliver policy success and on how engineering and the IMechE can support the government in this endeavour.

“Our nation's strength lies in our ability to innovate, adapt, and lead through engineering excellence.”

Dr Clive Hickman OBE BSc MBA PhD FREng CEng FIMechE MIOD
President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers


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