Operational excellence

Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)

In this programme we provide the underpinning knowledge and build your confidence to apply product design and process FMEA at a working level.

1 day

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Members: £550 + VAT
Non-members: £650 + VAT

Course Location & Date
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
10% early bird discount applied
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£550.00 £495.00 Plus vat
Non Members:
£650.00 £585.00 Plus vat


In this programme we provide the underpinning knowledge and build your confidence to apply product design and process FMEA at a working level.

Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a dynamic planning methodology aimed at identifying and prioritising actions to avoid potential failure modes in a product, process or service.

To counteract this technique's historically bureaucratic reputation, in this course we focus on making the process structured, dynamic and simple.

The course enables you to develop products, services and processes that fully satisfy customer requirements. You will have the opportunity to complete an FMEA for a simple product/process.

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Verified by an engineer, Darren Hare, MIMechE
"We took it on almost instantly."
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Who should attend?

This course is suitable if you’re involved at a working level in the design of products, services and processes; and if you’re involved in the completion or management of FMEAs.

How will I benefit?

By the end of day 1, you will be able to:

• Understand the purpose of an FMEA and its general benefits
• Recognise the difference between a product design FMEA and a process FMEA
• Recognise the importance of a team approach to FMEA completion
• Understand how to set the scope for an FMEA project and complete a boundary diagram
• Describe the inputs into an FMEA and complete a parameter diagram
• Explain how to document an FMEA study using a standard template
• Understand guidelines for rating severity, occurrence and detection
• State how to prioritise and manage risks
Contributes 7 CPD hours

Key topics

• Introduction to FMEA – what, why and when
• Types of FMEA – product and process
• Team – set-up and roles
• Getting started – scoping and boundary diagrams
• Inputs into an FMEA project – parameter diagrams
• The FMEA template
• Failure modes and effects – definition, examples and questions
• Severity and classification – definition, examples and questions
• Occurrence – definition and questions
• Controls and detection – definition, examples and questions
• Calculating risk priority numbers
• Recommended actions – Prioritising and planning
• Outputs from an FMEA project
• Recognising good FMEAs
• Deployment of FMEAs in the design process

Mapped against UK- SPEC competencies: B, C, D and E

  1. Design and development of processes, systems, services and products - For Chartered Engineers: ‘Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution of mechanical engineering problems’ For Incorporated Engineers ‘Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to design, develop, manufacture, construct commission, operate, maintain, decommission and re-cycle mechanical engineering processes, systems, services and products’
  2. Responsibility, management or leadership - For Incorporated and Chartered Engineers: 'Provide Technical and commercial leadership’
  3. Communication and inter-personal skills - For Incorporated and Chartered Engineers: 'Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills’
  4. Professional commitment - For Incorporated and Chartered Engineers: ‘Demonstrate a personal commitment to professional standards, recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment’

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At a glance

  • Duration:
    1 day
  • Location:
    London, Virtual classroom, Coventry, Manchester
  • CPD Hours:
  • UK-Spec:
    B, C, D, E

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What options are available?

  • Off the shelf – we can deliver any of our training courses at your chosen location, providing you with a cost-effective and efficient solution
  • Tailored courses– our personalised programmes can help you work through issues specific to your team or sector and equip you with the practical tools you need to move forward
  • Blended programmes – we use a range of delivery methods, development subjects and performance resources to ensure your team have the knowledge and skills they need to help your business thrive

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Some of the companies we've worked with

  • Alten
  • AMH Material Handling
  • Avara Foods
  • bmt
  • Bombardier
  • Bombardier
  • Frazer Nash
  • Gas Networks Ireland
  • International Nuclear Services
  • JCB
  • Martin Baker
  • National Composited Centre
  • Network Rail
  • Smurfit Kappa
  • sse

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  • Over 30 years of experience delivering training
  • More than 200 courses designed for engineers
  • Over 10,000 engineers trained each year
  • Trusted by over 800 companies
  • Business solutions delivered in 48 countries

Average customer rating: 4.75 out of 5

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